Well-Being Wednesdays at Balance Studio
Something new is coming to Balance 🙂
I’ve been listening to what you have been saying about what YOU would like to see at Balance,
Many of you have expressed an interest to try a few different things,
You have told me that you want to try something you haven’t done before,
That you would like to try something as a one off, not a regular weekly class,
That you really want to do something to enhance your Mind,Body & Soul…… but for some of you time is a problem.
You do your Pilates once a week, some of you twice – and love it!
But, that doesn’t leave much time to commit to another regular class,
You said you just want something now and again.
So, I’ve set up Well-Being Wednesday’s just for you!
Once a month Balance will be hosting an event on a Wednesday afternoon,
Each one will be different,
Each one will give you a new experience,
You get the chance to do a variety of different things without committing to a regular class.
So, once a month we will be hosting a Well-Being Wednesday, but it gets even better…….
I really listened hard this time:)
Some of you go away for a month at a time or already have commitments to events,
So, I’ve designed a Well-Being Wednesday pass 🙂
That means that when you buy your pass, you can come to 6 sessions of your choice out of the 12 sessions I will be running.
So, if you are away YOU don’t get to miss out!
How fabulous is that?
Now, I need you to do a favour for me,
For this to be successful, I have to book my teachers/instructors/speakers months in advance,
Lots of you have said you are interested, but not many of you have committed – I need you to commit, so I can be super organised and get all these wonderful sessions sorted for you,
So, if you have been thinking about joining Well-Being Wednesday, please take action and buy your pass now – let’s get our Well-being Wednesdays running 🙂
How much will this cost?
Just £60 for your 6 sessions,
Remember you can choose which 6 sessions you would like to attend,
So, help me out, take action now and lets look forward to our Well Being Wednesdays.