I LOVE simplicity: simplicity get me results, simplicity keeps me on track, simplicity makes me happy, very happy 🙂

I do spend a lot of time listening to people making their lives so very complicated, they fill their heads with what ifs, I can't, that wouldn't work for me….and so on. We all do it, I used to do it a lot but thankfully now I don't and honestly life is so much easier.

We all know someone who makes their life impossibly complicated or the task they are trying to complete so hard…….I remember (a long time ago now!), my lovely daughter spent hours, and I mean hours, on making the most elaborate, colour-coded revision chart and she would proudly pin it on her bedroom wall.  It was vey involved and took her a long time to make and yet was never used….. However, it did avoid the revision for quite some time, which I suspect was the purpose 🙂

I have friends who will spend hours, sometimes even days, on the internet researching all sorts of things and never use the information. 

I have colleagues who go on course after course, learning ever increasing complicated stuff………but never implement it.

I have business acquaintances who spend months/years thinking about starting new projects and never actually start them. 

You see, we make stuff complicated for many reasons, and one of those reasons is avoidance. If we make something complicated, it can distract us from doing the 'real' thing, the thing we don't want to do. We than can pretend to ourselves how super busy we are doing……….nothing!

Have you noticed how stressful being busy doing nothing is? Seriously, making our lives, our tasks, so much more complicated than they need to be leads to us feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

When we make things so complicated we start to make the easy decisions hard.  The harder the decision, the less likely we are to make it, the more we avoid making the decisions, the more we stay exactly where we are, stuck. 

Indecision is one of the most stressful things.

So keep your decisions simple.

If I find myself dithering, then I toss a coin.  Now I don't necessarily follow the outcome, but I listen to my gut response when it comes up heads or tails and that tells me all that I need to know.

Simple but it really does work – try it.

The easiest, quickest way to feeling happier is by keeping things simple, have a go and notice how it feels 🙂


Be the very Best Version of You that You can be!