I wrote a couple of months ago about how we all suffer from Overwhelm, where we feel we are drowning in work commitments, life pressures – whatever they may be, moving house, renovating your home, agonising over school choices, exam pressures etc etc. We have many times in our lives when we feel we are on this massive roller coaster and we are desperate to get off.
At times like this it’s so important to remember that YOU are in control of your choices, you have the power to say no to extra work, saying no to the things you simply don’t want to do and yes to those you do.
Now, I know what you are thinking – it can’t be that simple, life isn’t that simple and you have obligations and commitments. But, actually, we are all in the habit of making life more complicated than it has to be……and yes it really can be that simple!
You might not have the luxury of taking a wonderful 2 week holiday in the Maldives (might not push your buttons anyway), but you can make small changes that will have a dramatic impact on the quality of your life and which will help to lessen the sense of overwhelm and bring that Balance back!
Here are a few things that I do to help me bring the Balance back into my life:
I asked for a backstage pass to Nottingham Playhouse for my birthday, I had one a couple of years ago. This means that I now go to the theatre on a regular basis and see all sorts of plays/dance/music that I wouldn’t otherwise have seen. It forces me to take some time out and do something for myself and with the people that I love. It makes me get out of the house as the nights get colder and darker and watch something that lifts my spirits, catching up with friends along the way – Perfect!
I spend time in Nature, I love walking and it doesn’t have to be a trek in the Peaks, we have so many lovely places locally, whatever the weather, wrap up and get out there, even better if you’re with friends or family, spending quality time with the people you care about brings a great sense of calm into your life.
Write a to do list that you are going to commit to – it can include whatever it is that works for you, I like to spend 5 minutes meditating, sometimes I can even manage 10 minutes now – it takes practice for someone like me to keep my mind from wandering for any length of time. I then follow that by some of my favourite songs, I find music really uplifting and it puts me in a great mindset for the rest of the day. I have a few favourite YouTube clips that I like to watch, which I find inspiring – I’m loving Will Smith at the moment.
I have a wish list of places I want to visit and things that I want to do – they are not all big, some are very small and simple. I read this regularly and am slowly working my way through them – to actually do something that’s on your list feels wonderful……I know I say this so often, but LIVE your life, don’t put things off till next year, there will never ever be the right time, so go ahead and start doing them now!
Last week I did my first ever Business for Mindset presentation and loved every minute of it! It’s a totally new enterprise for me, one that you all know I’m passionate about and to be able to share that passion with the Aspiring Business Women‘s group was really special. Most of you know that I’m now a Mindset Specialist Coach, I travelled to Connecticut to our Mindset Summit at the end of July and now I’ve started presenting.
I could have waited…. I could have put it off,…..but what is so important is that whatever your passion is – JUST START!!! Don’t worry about the HOW, that just happens along the way, focus on the WHY and it all becomes so clear 🙂
Finally, accept the fact that we are not and never will be PERFECT. Stop trying to be the perfect parent, child, sister, friend, partner – just be you, because you are unique and special and everyone will love you for that, quirks and all!
Get out there and get that Balance back in your Life today!