As most of you know, I am not a huge Goal setter, I’m more of an Intention setter……..though I do obviously have Goals that I want to achieve along my journey towards my Intentions 🙂

After my recent Wedding and road trip honeymoon, a lot of you have been asking me how I managed to keep it all a secret, the planning and organising of the trip and basically how I achieved this while continuing as normal and without the whole thing becoming overwhelming.

I realise that I have explained in my previous newsletter about how I did this – keeping everything simple and being totally consistent with the planning and saving towards this ultimate goal.

But, that is only part of the answer…………….So, I started thinking, what is a Goal?

Yes it is a desire, an ambition, a result, an Intention, something you are trying to achieve – all those things….but it is so much more than that and yet so much less than that too.

Every Goal is a search for a FEELING.

When you think about it, we only ever set Goals as we are searching for the feeling it gives us when we achieve it.

If we think about weight loss, we want to lose weight to look better, be fitter as that makes us FEEL great. We FEEL great when we look in the mirror and see our new slimmed down self, we FEEL great when we have more energy, can do more of the physical things we have been wanting to do, we FEEL great as we find it easier to move, easier to buy clothes that look good on us, we FEEL great when people tell us how amazing we are looking – it’s all about the FEELING.

What about the desire for a new car?  Same thing, we might FEEL it’s a sign of our success, a sign of our hard work, even a sign of our perceived status – it might only be temporary but what we are after is that FEELING.

My road trip honeymoon, for me it was the FEELING of freedom, freedom to visit places that I had always wanted to visit, freedom to be able to leave Balance knowing it was in the capable hands of my lovely teachers, freedom to afford to do what I wanted, freedom to have the time to get away and recharge my batteries, freedom to spend time with my lovely man, freedom to connect with nature and ground myself.

My Goal was to do this great road trip but it was the FEELING that I was after 🙂

How can you implement this in your life?

Next time you are Goal setting, ask yourself the following questions:

What is the FEELING you most want to experience?

Which option(s) will make you FEEL that way?

What is getting in your way? What is taking you further away from that FEELING?

What could you do right now to take you one step closer to that FEELING?

Remember that one step you take doesn’t have to be a big step, but it does have to take you towards that FEELING if you want to achieve your Goal.

If we listen to how we FEEL more (and act on it), life just gets a whole lot easier 🙂

Be the very Best Version of You that You can be!