Gratitude – we hear so much these days how having gratitude changes everything and that the thing we must do is write 3 things we are grateful for, every day in our journals.
Now, I’m not against that… In fact I have done it myself many times and have found that it can change your perspective. It can lift you out of focusing on all you don’t have instead on focusing all that you do have. It can allow you the space to realise how lucky we are. But, for me, it works best if I don’t do it daily but every now and again and I only ever write down things which truly make me FEEL gratitude, rather than the things I think I should feel grateful for!
These last few weeks, and even more so on Saturday, I really felt so full to the brim of gratitude for all of you who have been so wonderfully supportive on the writing, publishing and launching of my book. It’s been heartwarming. Every time I host an event, whether that’s the MOMM event that went global, or my local book launch, I’m reminded how genuinely kind and loving people can be.
Now you know I never write anything political – and don’t worry, I’m not about to – but we must all agree we are living through some strange and unsettling times, where it sometimes feels like we are going backwards in our humanitarian beliefs……or so the media would like us to believe. But, and it is a huge but, those busy people in charge, making self-centred decisions, are not noticing, not sensing or feeling that there is a huge ripple effect going on.
The tide is turning, people are realising that we all want the same things. We want to live happier, healthier, more fulfilled lives – each and everyone of us, and for that, we need LOVE. We need connection, care and acceptance – it really is that simple.
The more people I connect with, the more I feel the tide is turning, so I suppose my message this week is to keep shining your lights as bright as you possibly can. Don’t let anyone, especially the media, dim your genius. Be the person that shows the way, the person who shows compassion, the person who takes time to listen, the person who cares for others, the person who is that bit braver, that bit kinder and loves all that bit more – Be You!
My hope is that if my book touches just one heart, even for the briefest moment, then that is enough, the ripple effect is in motion.
Changing the world one person at a time – don’t you think the ripple effect is phenomenal? It’s our power, let’s use it!