I’ve had a busy few weeks doing my ‘other’ business, my RTT and Soul Realignment. Many of my clients had been telling me how they didn’t feel they were following their passion and therefore felt lost, felt unfulfilled and felt empty. They felt as if they should be doing so much more with their lives, living a life full of purpose and passion.
Now, I have been as guilty as everyone else going on about Passion, following your passion, doing what you are passionate about and so on. Passion and purpose is everywhere, all over social media, in all personal development groups and books, life coaches go on and on and on and on about it………it is clearly the ‘thing’ that we all need to be worrying about, focusing on and doing.
So, what’s the issue?
Well, most, yep most of us don’t have a passion or a purpose. We just don’t have something that we were so desperate to do as a young child and that we end up doing for the rest of our lives and loving it. We just don’t.
So, when we hear ‘what is your purpose? What is your passion?’, it leaves so many of us feeling inadequate. Questioning what on earth is wrong with me – everyone has a passion except me! That doesn’t make us feel great. In fact, in can make us feel not good enough and starts that horrible journey of comparing ourselves to others.
I definitely didn’t grow up thinking that I desperately wanted to be a Pilates teacher or an RTT therapist, I didn’t even have the desire to improve my mind, body and soul. I was simply enjoying being me, enjoying experiencing the world, trying different things and discovering what I liked and what I didn’t and more often than not, going with the flow of life. My ‘Passion’ , my ‘Purpose’ whatever you like to call it, developed over time, sometimes completely taking me by surprise! If you had asked me 10 years ago, even 5 years ago, what my life would look like, what I considered to be a dream life, what my passion was – it would look very different to what it does today.
And as far as I’m concerned that is how it should be. Fabulous to those very few that know what they want and are crystal clear about it, but, what about the rest of us?
Isn’t life an experience, isn’t life all about curiosity, trying and often failing, changing our minds, exploring new possibilities as they arise, enjoying the moment rather than the constant pressure of ‘are we really following our passion’, ‘are we really doing what we are supposed to do’? Says who? Who decides what we are here to do? If you believe in something higher than yourself, universe, God, Spirit, then you usually believe in the concept of freewill, and if we have freewill then surely someone up above cannot have put us on this planet to fulfil a purpose – that wouldn’t be freewill.
I believe we are here to EXPERIENCE and if we end up living a life that brings us joy, happiness and fulfilment then that is wonderful…….however to experience that we have to also experience the polarity of the above, otherwise how would we know we were experiencing joy, happiness and fulfilment. The ups and downs of life.
So if you are unclear about your Passion or not sure what your Purpose is – does it really matter? Remember you are here to experience so make sure you experience as much as you possibly can and enjoy the experience of experiencing – now, that is what I’m passionate about 🙂