I bet you are wondering why I’ve included a photo of the flowers I received from my lovely hubby for my birthday?Well, these flowers were so unusual – such amazing colours, so bright, beautiful, vibrant and fun, which is how our lives should be……..at least for 80% of the time.

Living a life less ordinary!

An awful lot of my friends and colleagues are small business owners, most of them are getting by, but they work so hard and do such long hours for very little return. Most of them are still selling their time for money, they do everything themselves, even the stuff that they are clearly not good at (let’s face it, we are not awesome at everything), but the worst thing for lots of them is the loneliness.

They feel isolated, spend way too much time alone, making every decision by themselves, poring over Facebook and Instagram and wondering why their lives are not the lives on there (which are no doubt false – but that’s another blog!)

Let’s be clear, it’s not just business owners, it’s mums, grandparents, many workers, people at college and school – it is an epidemic today. Loneliness appears to be everywhere – even, and especially, in those who seem to be the most busy.

Do we fill our lives so full in the hope that the loneliness will go away?

We often fill our lives with stuff we don’t love doing, with people we don’t love being around, and then we wonder why we are feel so sad, so unfulfilled, so longing for more.

This is why I’m so passionate about the 3 E’s, Explore, Expand, Engage – it’s all about living a life less ordinary.

I’ve created Balance – it’s a Pilates studio, but it is so much more than that. It is a space where we not only provide wonderful Pilates classes and private sessions, we explore so many other modalities – during our well-being Wednesdays, we had access to try so many new things. We run lots of different one-off workshops that are not all movement-based, lots around expanding our minds and thinking differently, doing and being just that little bit less ordinary. We are creating a space where you can engage more with others via our coffee mornings, and we are thinking of more social events too.

We are bringing so many options to Explore, Engage and Expand to allow you to live your life a little less ordinary – I know that mediocre is not enough, we are designed for more.

So, please join us. Explore our new events, expand your thinking and join our new group. Engage with all, come to our coffee mornings, connect with me on social media (if that’s your thing), email me and tell me what you want – let’s all work together to keep making our life a little less ordinary!

You know the saddest thing? Those that this resonates with the most, those who feel their life isn’t all it could be, those who are the loneliest, those who are desperate to explore, expand and engage are the quickest to look away, to not join in, to make excuses, to tell themselves they will do it next time, to stay exactly where they are.

It is always your choice 🙂

Be the very Best Version of You that You can be!