Pressing your pause button means not taking action on something you’d like to do – why do we do this, and how can you un-pause?

That was me a few years ago!

I would see so many things I wanted to do, places I wanted to see, things I wanted to learn, books I wanted read, new things I wanted to learn………..and on and on.

We see something, we think ‘Ohhhh yes, I would love to do that’, BUT we don’t take any action.  We PAUSE and in the time that we pause, we think of all the reasons why we can’t do it, we shouldn’t do it, why it’s the wrong time, we can’t afford it, it’s too hard, too far away and we change our minds.

In that PAUSE, we have lost the opportunity to expand, to grow, to explore, to experience – it’s passed us by, or rather, we have let it go.

PAUSING is the killer of your dreams, it stops us moving forwards and keeps us stuck in our little ruts.

So, why do we all PAUSE so much? Simple really, that’s how our brains work. Our brains really don’t like change: basically they are pattern-recognition machines as patterns are predictable, and if something is predictable, we feel safe. Think about it this way, how many of us go to the same Pilates mat in class every week? How many of us have the same morning routine, drive the same route to work, eat the same meals week in week out, watch the same TV programmes, shop in the same places, see the same people, park in the same place – our brains don’t like change!

When we PAUSE, we allow our brains to come up with a multitude of reasons why you cannot do something, even though you say you want to.  Most of us will justify it to ourselves by saying we will do it next time, next week, next month, next year when things will be different…………….

Does that sound all too familiar?

Why not make 2019 the year you UN-PAUSE your life?  The year that you do the things you want to do – go on, try something new, your brain might have a little wobble but it soon gets over it and onto the job of rewiring something new, and that’s how we grow, expand, explore and experience 🙂

Have fun trying, and I would love to hear about all the new things you are doing in 2019.

Explore, Expand, Engage – Live a Life Less Ordinary