We have the life we have because of our FEELings.
We set our Goals because we are searching for that FEELing.
We go on diets because of how we FEEL when we lose weight.
We go on Holiday in search of FEELings of freedom, fun, fulfilment etc.
and so the list goes on…..
But, guess what, most of us have no idea what we really feel. We spend a lot of the time ignoring our feelings, worse still suppressing our feelings – then we wonder why we are not happy, why we haven’t got the life we dreamed of 🙁
Now most people know that when we suppress our feelings it can lead to depression, but did you know that if you suppress one feeling, we end up suppressing all our feelings!
Have you ever been out to a party, concert, theatre, meal etc where you really wanted to go, but when you are actually there, it’s not as exciting as you hoped? You’re not feeling as happy as you thought you would and you have no idea why? Well, now you know, if you are suppressing some feelings in your life, whatever they might be, feelings of not being good enough, feelings of resentment towards your partner that you are not expressing, feelings of anger because you feel someone is taking advantage of you, it’s not important what the feeling is, just that you are suppressing it, then you will also be suppressing the feelings that bring you pleasure, joy, happiness too.
That’s just how our brains work.
Sometimes we are not even aware that we have these FEELings because we are so out of touch at listening to what we are FEELing.
Awareness is the key, take time this week to really notice how YOU FEEL, even better write it down, notice how you FEEL when you listen to a song on the radio, when you are driving to work, when your see your partner, kids, grandkids, when you are walking outside, start to really notice how you FEEL, you might be surprised what you find.