I’ve had some great conversations this week and felt I just had to share this truth with you:

Talking to a client who was more than frustrated with ever expanding waistline, she definitely was not that big, but she was bigger than she used to be and she really couldn’t understand why.

Her diet seemed to be pretty much the same as always, relatively healthy, she was still attending her Pilates class, walking regularly and not leading a sedentary lifestyle, but her weight was slowly creeping up.

This is so common with us all, we simply cannot understand why our weight is steadily increasing but we seem to be eating the same.

And that’s exactly the problem, we feel that something big needs to occur for that change to happen, that the one extra biscuit per day we are eating will not have any effect on us!

Many of you will have heard me talking about the Compound Effect (one of my all-time favourite books), basically it explains how doing one small thing consistently can make huge changes in your life.

Consistently is the key word here.

However, the book is referring to making positive changes in our lives, but unfortunately it also works the other way around.  If you are consistently eating just one extra biscuit, one extra piece of chocolate, one extra slice of bread, one extra banana, one extra anything per day, then your weight will slowly creep up.

This happens with most of us, we don’t even notice, because it’s one very small thing, but the fact that we are doing it consistently means it will have an effect.

So, if you think about a huge tanker crossing the ocean, if it suddenly goes just ONE degree off course, will it arrive at the place it wanted to go? Nope, it will be way off course.

That is us…..ONE degree off might seem nothing, but if we remain one degree off at ANYTHING we want to achieve, we simply won’t get there.

Now, I haven’t said any of this to make you feel overwhelmed, simply to help you realise the power of consistency, the power of using whatever helps you to stay on track so that you can achieve whatever it is you want to achieve 🙂

On that note, I have some very exciting news for you, I’m going to be hosting a Thin Forever Seminar at Balance, presented by Rosalyn Palmer, who is now running hypnotherapy sessions from Balance. Read more about this here.

Be the very Best Version of You that You can be!