It’s been lovely to be back at Balance again, seeing all my regulars and lots of new faces too.

We’ve been taking it slowly in class this week, going over some basics, focusing on what we are doing, increasing our body awareness, engaging the correct muscles, releasing others……..we have really been taking our time to ‘be’ in our bodies.

As those of you that have been with me for some time know, I absolutely love taking this time for us to ‘be’ in our bodies and to just ‘feel’ Pilates in action.

I have been drawing your attention again to the wonderful benefits of Breathing, so wanted to remind you again of the many benefits.

September is a busy time for us all, sometimes if we are not careful, we can get overwhelmed and our stress levels can rapidly rise, so whatever you are doing, take just a couple of minutes to do some deep belly breathing and notice how wonderful it makes you feel 🙂

Benefits of Belly Breathing:

1. Detoxifies & releases toxins
2. Releases tension
3. Relaxes the mind/body & brings clarity
4. Relieves emotional problems
5. Massages your organs
6. Strengthens the immune system
7. Increases Muscle strength
8.Improves posture
9. Improves quality of blood
10. Improves digestion
11. Strengthens the lungs
12. Makes the heart stronger
13. Assists in weight control
14. Boost energy levels & improves stamina
15.Improves cellular regeneration
16. Elevates Moods
17. Reduces Pain

Belly breathing has an amazing effect on your body & wellbeing!

Breathing deeply will help your blood become more alkaline, it aids your digestion which in turn can aid your weight loss 🙂

Lowering the bloods acidity helps lowers inflammation, inflammation causes pain, therefore deep breathing reduces pain 🙂

Start ‘belly’ breathing today!!!

Be the very Best Version of You that You can be!